Articulation disorder involves some major issues that can lead to some phonemes, known as “misarticulation”.
Misarticulation is a problem where a person may not be able to modify his/her articulators which makes sound unintelligible or distorted in such a way that listeners find it difficult to comprehend
Misarticulation consists of errors which can be present later in life which is characterized by distortion, omission, substitution or addition of phonemes deteriorating quality of speech.
Articulation disorder involves some major issues that can lead to some phonemes, known as “misarticulation”.
Misarticulation is a problem where a person may not be able to modify his/her articulators which makes sound unintelligible or distorted in such a way that listeners find it difficult to comprehend
Misarticulation consists of errors which can be present later in life which is characterized by distortion, omission, substitution or addition of phonemes deteriorating quality of speech.